The Silent Signs of Pain

Well! As anyone in Ontario can attest, March came in like a lion! Last week saw ferocious winter storms and significant snow accumulation!! Did that stop our fearless LilyCat from her weekly trek to O’Sullivan Animal Hospital you ask? Never! I bundled up and made the trip in for my underwater treadmill session with my very own Dr. Watson.


When Lily start rehab and weight loss with the O’Sullivan Animal Hospital she was too weak to use her back legs in the treadmill effectively. Now she walks like a pro!

As much as I may hesitate to tell my other cat friends, I am enjoying my hydrotherapy much more than I did earlier on. I’m currently walking upwards of 20 minutes at a time and during my  last session I walked a total distance of 0.4 km! After all that work a fit feline like myself is entitled to a sPAW treatment complete with blow out and comb through. I’m a pretty fancy cat if I do say so myself! (There’s also the added bonus of continued healthy weight loss, and I am Purrroud to say I’m only a slightly padded 5.3kg!)

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